Friday, June 5, 2009

A Resolution

Well, after much transpiring of emails, phone messages and arranging childcare, Matt and I were finally able to meet with leadership at LW regarding the issues discussed in my last post. And I believe much to everyone’s surprise, a lot of things were cleared up. Miscommunications, wrong assumptions and down-right mistakes were aired and corrected. Apologies were made by all involved parties and a resolution of forgiveness and moving forward was reached.

Due to some things that we learned from the meeting, I feel that it is my duty to clear up some incorrect information that I posted previously, though I did not know at the time that it was false. I stated, “The determining factor [for leaving LW] has been that no corrective action has been taken, for whatever reason, concerning the massive amounts of gossip brought to the attention of the senior pastor.” Although it is true that we did not receive any messages in a 5week period regarding anything about action taking place, it turns out that the lack of follow-up was an error in miscommunication, as opposed to a lack of caring on leadership’s part. We have been told that leadership was indeed working on lining things up for a follow-up meeting and that us not being contacted was a mistake. I would like to say that we did receive one phone call from LW during that time period, and though there was no message to indicate who it was from, there was at least that one phone call.

In my perspective that changes a lot. If this is something that is important to the leadership at LW and if it is something that was being taken care of, then I was wrong to post anything about it. I posted with the intention of telling our story (not with any direct intent to deface LW), and believed that if there was an unethical situation known about by leadership but they weren’t interested in addressing it, then it was not gossip to post anything about it. I still believe that. But since this in fact was a situation that they were interested in addressing and a problem they were looking to resolve, I was completely wrong to post any details or information or name any names. And though I have apologized to the involved parties, I would also like to apologize to the readers. I did not know the entire story and upon seeing more of the picture, I shouldn’t have involved any of you all.

Matt said from the start that if it was revealed that we were wrong about any of this in the situation and needed to apologize, then we would certainly do that. So that is the intent of this post…to apologize for sharing hurtful information about a problem that was indeed being resolved (though I will reiterate we had no way of knowing that at the time). Thanks everyone for reading and if you know someone who read the first post, please direct them to this one as well so that more of the story will be clarified.

Friday, January 9, 2009